
Can you love and hate at the same time?

Like in every story, there are two sides in every advice. I’ll go for the ebony, bitterness, despair, bad, negative, evil –Hate.

I hate getting disappointed which explains why, in most situations, I intend to think harshly and negatively. It is better that way… it’s like getting a bad news first, feel bad, then hear the good news and feel good after.

Ask us questions, advices, etc. but prepare for the trouble. I will not send the heavens and cloud nines to you. But I promise to show you the negative side of things: YOU ALWAYS CHOOSE NOT TO SEE. I will be mean. You will hate me and I will love you for that.

Hey, Love isn’t the opposite of hate… c’mon dork, Google it.

PS: I'm not promoting evil. I’m just your “other” sister telling you to free yourself. Those negative feelings never really go away: you just push them back of your mind, hold them back and ignore them.

PSS: We grew up taught to look at things on the bright side and to be optimistic. Not in this case. In this case, look on the dark side:  Talking and imagining negatively, always thinking bad about others, excessive distrust and doubting.

You know, there are two kinds of angel, “the good” and “the not so good” one.