
Oftentimes, people have a hard time defining me. I don’t think anyone has really had a grasp of what I mean. Sometimes I am loved, sometimes hated.*sighs* I can’t please everybody.

No matter. I am here to give each and everyone a favor by giving an advice may it be on matters about life, friendship, or love.

I’m not a fan of bad vibes and pessimism so expect me to give you messages that will enlighten you. I can teach you to be patient, faithful, and everything positive in dealing with your problems or questions.

However, this doesn’t mean I am forcing you to follow everything I say. Love my advices or hate them, it’s up to you. You’re free to think about what’s good for you or not. Hello, free-will?

Don’t worry, I won’t give you the mushy stuff…not really.


If ever you would like HATE’s answers more, 
don’t fret because I will love you still.